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Federal Agency of Communications (Rossvyaz) is a Federal Executive Body, executing functions of state property administration and telecommunication and postal state services rendering, including construction, development and utilization of communication networks, satellite systems, TV and radio broadcasting systems.
Rossvyaz is under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation

Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities
ROSCOSMOS is a state corporation established in August 2015 to carry out a comprehensive reform of Russia’s rocket and space industry.
ROSCOSMOS is the governmental body responsible for the national space science program and its legal and regulatory framework. The corporation also places orders for the development and manufacturing of space systems and infrastructure.
Its functions also include development of international space collaboration and enabling social and economic growth in Russia by harnessing on space initiatives.

Headquartered in London, with a regional office in Washington, D.C.,GVF is the international non-profit association, and the unified voice, of the satellite communications sector. An independent, non-partisan organisation with 230+ members from more than 100 countries, the GVF brings together organisations engaged in the delivery of advanced broadband and narrowband satellite services worldwide. The broad-based membership represents every major world region and every sector of the satellite industry, including fixed and mobile satellite operators, satellite network operators, teleports, satellite earth station manufacturers, system integrators, value added and enhanced service providers, telecom carriers, consultants, law firms, and users.

NSR is the leading global market research and consulting firm focused on the satellite and space sectors. NSR’s global team, unparalleled coverage and anticipation of trends with a higher degree of confidence and precision than the competition is the cornerstone of all NSR offerings. First to market coverage and a transparent, dependable approach sets NSR apart as the key provider of critical insight to the satellite and space industries. Contact us at info@nsr.com to discuss how we can assist your business.

EARSC, the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies, is a membershipbased, not for profit European organisation which coordinates and promotes activities of European companies engaged in delivering EO geoinformation services. Today EARSC has 85 members (74 full members and 11 observers), coming from 23 countries covering the full EO services value chain including commercial operators of EO satellites, resellers of data, value-adding companies, geospatial information suppliers, consultancies and EO system/software providers. EARSC's key goal is to help promote the industry and to help develop the market for these services. EARSC is representing the European providers of geo-information services in its broadest sense creating a network between industry, decision makers and users. The Association regularly surveys the state and health of the companies providing EO services in Europe, and performs studies into the impact of EO geo-information services. The Association promotes the industry through networking events such as workshops and dedicated meetings, as well as through the Community tools(eopages, eowiki, eomag).

The Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI France Russie) is an independent lobbying body that represents and promotes the economic interests of its Franco-Russian member companies. It has been operating in Moscow since 1997, and today it brings together more than 450 companies from 40 sectors of the economy. Its work is focused on 3 key areas: building the business community, lobbying and support for companies.

In the middle of last century separate market segment was formed in international insurance market – aviation insurance market, specializing in accepting aviation and space risks.
Development of commercial insurance in Russia also lead to the formation of such specialized market in which operations are carried out for transfer and receipt of aviation and space risks.
A distinctive feature of aviation and space insurance is their catastrophic nature and losses, that can reach hundreds millions dollars USA per one event.
Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers (RAASI) was founded by insurance companies in July 1996. Founders and organizers of RAASIs future activities are financially stable companies, that have high-level professionals in their structure, with expertise in aviation technology and aviation activities, as well as in space activities.
Basic participants of Association are such organizations as AlfaStrakhovanie, Ingosstrakh, Sogaz, VTB Insurance, VSK, Rosgosstrakh, TIT, Lexgarant. These and number of other companies cover a significant share of insurance aviation risks (air carriage, airport operations, production and repair of aviation equipment), and space activities risks (launching, orbit, ect.).

National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters (NAT) is the largest professional union of broadcasting companies in Russia. NAT members include national, federal and regional companies, content producers and integrators, research and academic establishments, media measurement providers and other organizations.
NAT has its own information resource – an interactive TV and Radio Atlas of Russia, which works in all regions of the Russian Federation and is open to the wide public.
NAT defends its members’ rights and interest on the federal and regional levels, takes part in the development of legislative framework for the e-media and migration of TV and radio to new digital technologies.
NAT representatives participate in task teams with the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Roskomnadzor, Russian TV and Radiobroadcasting Network, issue expert judgment on draft laws and administrative regulations of Rospechat and Roskomnadzor, collaborate with Federal Antimonopoly Service, Federal Customs Service, Russian Copyright Society, Russian Organization for Intellectual Property, and other organizations.
NAT President E.Sagalaev and Board members K.Ernst and O.Dobrodeev are also members of the Governmental Commission for TV and Radio Broadcasting.
NAT specifically focuses on regional and thematic non-terrestrial channels and pursues development of new business models for them in the digital environment.
Key projects and events of the Association: International Exhibition of Professional Equipment and Technologies for Television, Radio and Internet broadcasting NATEXPO, International Broadcast Content Market Moscow TeleShow, children’s TV festival “Tune in!” and the festival of socially important TV programs “A Hero Of Our Time”, national awards in satellite, cable and online television “Golden Beam”, and TV technologies awards named after Zvorykin.

The Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC)was established in 2006.The Association's objective is to create a civilized information society, which will have its own legal system and the codes of professional activities that are to be accepted by both the users and the companies operating on the Internet.One of the key goals of the Association is to set up a dialogue between the state and the IT-companies.RAEC is actively involved in the solutions of socially important objectives aimed at the development of the information society in Russia and enhancing the image of Russia as of the responsible member of the global information community.

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).

“Association of designers, manufactures and users of equipment and applications based on Global Navigation Satellite systems “GLONASS/GNSS – Forum” unites more than 60 leading Russian state and commercial enterprises, scientific and educational institutes engaged in GLONASS development, manufactures of satellite equipment (applications) and satellite navigation technology users. The main goals of Association are – coordinates activities of its members engaged in development, production and commercial use of GLONASS-based equipment and applications; analyses and selects GLONASS development priorities on the territory of Russian Federation; participates in government policy-making in the field of GLONASS commercial use; cooperates with Russian and foreign partners to enhance the investment appeal, material and technical resources and scientific expertise of enterprises. The Association management is realized by: General meeting of members, Board of Association, Chief executive officer.