
Victor Barantsev
Head of Mobile Operator RelationsDepartment of Information Technology of the Government of Moscow
Leonid Buslaev
ChairmanNational Association of Housing Information and Communication Networks
Maxim Chernov
Deputy General Director for Commercial ActivitiesAkado-Telecom
Nikita Danilov
Head on Communications with Executive Authorities, Megafon; Deputy Head of Legal Committee, Media and Communication Union
Sergey Fomichev
Business Development DirectorMastertel
Alexander Gadalov
CEOLLC Alma Group
Dmitry Goverdovsky
Regional ManagerInfiNet Wireless
Alexander Ivanov
Executive DirectorNK-Net
Anton Kamynin
Technical DirectorMorton Telecom
Gennadiy Kiryushin
Chairman of Directors BoardSMARTS
Leonid Konik
Chief Executive Officer - Editor-in-ChiefIG ComNews
Alexey Leontyev
Executive DirectorUnion of Atlernative Telecom Operators
Michael Nagaytsev
Vice President for DevelopmentTop Telecom
Nikolai Napalkov
Project ManagerT8
Marina Nechay
Deputy Director - Executive directorState Unitary Enterprise "Smolniy ATS"
Ekaterina Nikishina
Director of Operators Interaction DepartmentMoscow City Telephone Network (MGTS)
Ivan Nikitin
Director of legasy supportMGTS
Grigory Nikolsky
PartnerConstanta Capital
Sergey Nikulin
Dmitry Petrov
Nikita Petukhov
Advisor to General DirectorCentral Telegraph
Vyacheslav Reshetko
Director of Integration, Merges and AbsorptionTrivon Netvorks (Virgin Connect)
Alexander Samodurov
General ManagerMosCityTeleNet
Evgeny Savitsky
Head of M&A, Corporate and Financial Law PracticeMegaFon
Anton Sviridov
Artem Tereshchenko
Project ManagerVAS Experts
Vyacheslav Troshin
Chairman of the Board of DirectorsAlfa (Сelecom)
Zharkyn Tursynov
Business Development Director, Managing PartnerLifestream (SmotrEshki)
Sergey Vasin
Leading analystGazprombank
Alexander Zinko
Commercial DirectorNauka-Svyaz
Dmitry Zuev
Commercial DirectorOS Group