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The FTTH Council Europe is a non-profit organisation with a mission to accelerate ubiquitous, fibre-based connectivity for a competitive Gigabit Society. Fibre-based infrastructure is the only future-proof foundation enabling fixed and wireless Giga-networks and a plethora of new, innovative technologies and services, and is the prerequisite for Europe’s global digital competitiveness and sustainability. Our vision is that fibre connectivity will transform and enhance the way we live, do business and interact, connecting everyone and everything, everywhere.

The Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC)was established in 2006.The Association's objective is to create a civilized information society, which will have its own legal system and the codes of professional activities that are to be accepted by both the users and the companies operating on the Internet.One of the key goals of the Association is to set up a dialogue between the state and the IT-companies.RAEC is actively involved in the solutions of socially important objectives aimed at the development of the information society in Russia and enhancing the image of Russia as of the responsible member of the global information community.

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).

Non-profit organization "The National Association of house communications and information networks " (NADIKS) was established on 14 April 2003. The main objective of the Association is to develop and implement a consistent set of activities related to the creation, improvement and long-term development of information and communication brownies multi-service networks and computer clubs in the city of Moscow. http://nadiks.ru/about/

The Association of Human Resources Advisers (AHRA) – the leading expert community in the sphere of human resources in Russia and the CIS. Association of human resources advisers – the non-profit organization uniting professional participants of the HR market. The association was founded in 1996. The main purpose of AKPP is forming and development of the civilized market of HR services. By means of professional activity of members of AKPP the important problems connected with employment of the population and increase of business performance of the companies clients are solved.

The Association works with Minkomsvjazi RF. Publishes Technical Reference "Cables -2016", "Equipment for Fiber Optic Networks". We conduct trades on the NEW EXCHANGE www.asvoweb.ru. The Association has developed, tested practical methods of estimation of residual resource of optical communication lines.