Endorsed by

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).

The idea of combining the IT managers in the region was born in 2008 and was finally realized in 2012. The club brings together more than 120 IT managers of major companies and organizations in different industries. The Regions Of The Club Yaroslavl, Vologda, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Vladimir, Tver, Voronezh, Lipetsk and Ryazan Regions.
The club's mission is improving the competitiveness of the Russian economy at the expense of competent use of Information Technology
Areas of work of the Club:
- Raising the professional level of members of the Club
- Formation of the "right" image of the IT manager
- Professional communication
- Creation of a wide network of personal contacts
Club Website - www.ciocfo.ru

Russian National Association of Strategic Outsourcing (ASTRA) is a professional organization aimed at setting up industry standards as well as promoting outsourcing as an industry and profession. The strategic goal of ASTRA is to form and develop the outsourcing market in Russia and CIS. ASTRA members are leading companies working in the Russian outsourcing industry, including Jet Infosystems, CROC, SBSystems, StinsComan, Optima Services, IBS DataFort, in4media, EnergoData, Fujitsu Services LLC, Outsourcing 24, Outsourcing Division of BDO in Russia, Intercomp Global Services, UCMS Group Russia. ASTRA helps organizations to use outsourcing as a business instrument to increase efficiency and cut operational costs. To learn more, visit www.astra-partners.ru.

Novosibirsk CIO Club
The leading regional community of professionals in the field of information technologies created to discuss the problems facing them, coordination and assist each other.
Club's mission - to promote the professional development of members and members club.
Club goals
- Exchange of views and information on current problems and prospects of the IT industry;
- The account of the quality of suppliers, consultants, developers and hired workers to form independent ratings ("black" and "white" lists);
- Development of recommendations on the interaction of IT departments with the companies-suppliers, consultants, and developers;
- Provide general advice to owners and managers of companies to solve the problems of their companies from the IT professionals;
- Discussion of the problems of management of the IT industry.
Website: http://www.cio-sibir.ru